With no client application defined to be launched, when the user selects the service from the PAM client access page, the PAM client will only popup a message showing which local IP the local SSH client should connect to in order to be routed to the target device.

These are new in 3.4.3, which added support of file transfers in the SSH proxy. Note that we have the file transfer options checked in the service. We did not see a way to define a custom port for the VSC connection and therefore just used port 22. Since the PAM user would launch the SSH connection from within VSC, the PAM service would not have a Client Application string defined. In order for PAM to support an SSH connection from a local SSH client to a target server with auto-logon, a TCP/UCP service with Application Protocol SSH needs to be defined, so that the SSH proxy on the PAM server can handle authentication. You can also add the “ ” parameter to the settings.json file and update the custom configuration location.The following is based on testing by PAM Support with Visual Studio Code 1.55.2 with extensions Remote - SSH 0.65.4 and SSH Terminal 0.0.4 added, and with PAM release 3.4.3. It is recommended to create a custom configuration file by choosing “ settings” and enter the custom file location.

select the location which suits you and press enter. In the next step, you will be prompted with the configuration file location where you want to store connection information.

Now it will prompt you to enter the SSH connection string as you do it in the Linux terminal. Press F1 or CTRL+SHIFT+P and type remote-ssh.

It is recommended to use SSH key-based authentication as it is more secure and removes the overhead of typing passwords all the time. There are two ways we can configure our SSH connectivity. Configure SSH Connection in VSCode Editor Using this bar you can open frequently used remote ssh options. Look at the bottom to the left where you will have a remote-status bar.